torsdag 18 oktober 2012

Baby Elephant.

Sad in the beginning but I became extremely happy towards the end of the video.

söndag 14 oktober 2012

Useful entry for once.

I wrote this on Facebook originally, but I modified it, and added (a lot) more text.

I like to think that life would be a teeny tiny bit easier if you could go about one week or more without any emotions, but it wouldn't, but then again it would.
And when it comes to certain things, ignorance really is bliss. 'Cause whether you want to believe it or not, you're better off not knowing some of the fucked up shit. You wish you didn't know about it, you do not want to know about it, b
ut at the same time you kind of want to, because you want to see the world for what it is, and the people as well. You have this hunger, this need, you are curious, you should stay far away, but you can't. And when you do know, you don't want it to impact you, and make you feel good, bad, aroused, or whatever things make you feel. And let me tell you why, let me spill the beans, and lay it all on the table for once.
Yesterday I made myself read horrible, fucked up shit about people saying that a 15 year old girl deserved to die (she commited suicide) because she made mistakes, in their words it was: "slutty, whorish and bitchy mistakes", and why people should acknowledge her death and not all the people that die daily. 
And a lot of these comments were from other females saying things like "I have no respect for a dead whore." Everybody makes mistakes, and you cannot bounce back from them with a blink of an eye. Not only is bullying sickening, and horrible enough, but to trash a dead person immensely? To say that people should acknowledge the survivors and not care about the ones that perished, that their "reasons" for ending their lives wasn't legit enough? Of course you should admire the people that made it through, but saying that someone shouldn't kill themselves because of this and that and that they do not deserve your sympathy is pure ignorance. Yes, suicide is a permanent solution to a "temporary" problem, be whatever your problem is. But when depression comes into the picture, and a person has zero experience or knowledge about it, then it's best to glue those lips tight. And not everyone has the same breaking point in case this information surpassed you. Something as the loss of a parent can make one person stronger, but it can mentally break another person that has suffered the same thing. What does it give people to trash a person that commited suicide or is suffering from depression? I mean my goodness. People must have a limited supply of sympathy and empathy if this is how they reason and this is what they bring into an argument.

I for one, never got to know my mother because she was killed at point-blank range when I was 9 months old. I had no female role model to look up to, sure I have 4 aunts, but it wasn't the same. I had no mother to teach me this and that. I had to teach myself. For godness's sake I learned myself how to do braids on my fucking Barbie doll, and I was so proud it was mindblowing for me. Does this sound sad to you? Maybe it does, if you do, then that information would be trivial to me really. And am I worse off than someone that lost their parent after they got to create memories and share experiences? No, it is far worse to lose someone that you got to know, than not to know the person at all. You don't have anything to miss, because you do not know the person, but yes, I do miss what could have been. But I refuse to live in a fantasy, and let it sweep me off my feet.

And mourning everyone that dies daily? People would slam their heads in the freaking wall repeatedly if you had to mourn every single human that dies every second of every day. The mourning and the sadness would be far too great to handle and people would become clinically depressed, and probably end their own life. And besides, no one could handle that amount of grief, be realistic, please. No one is a saint in this world, not entirely, and you'd have to be pretty naive to think so. And another interesting thing is, when people ask why millions of people mourn one celebrity but no one mourns the millions of people that die. I'm sorry, but are people that think this way a proven statistic for how others cope with death? Do they have the answer because they feel the need, the right to ask this? Please, let me clarify why it is like this:
The fact that people mourn a celebrity is because they grew up with the celebrity, they can relate to him or her, or they simply just had an impact on their lives. Just try and imagine the mayhem that would occur if Britney Spears was in an accident and didn't make it. The teens of today would be "Britney who?", but the older ones would know. When I found out that Michael Jackson died I simply didn't believe it at first, and like many other fans I was hoping it was a hoax. But did I cry? No. But it does seem strange that there won't be anymore amazing songs by this genius. I've been a huge fan of him since I was 4 years old, so I grew up with this mans music, watching his concerts and music videos. But I didn't cry, no. But there are people that did, and also people that killed themselves. You can judge them if you want, but I won't, 'cause what's the point? 
What I've cried the most about, in my life, was when my grandfather passed away.
Here's the short version for you:
He was sick for a long time because he suffered from a stroke. He was about to return back home when just a mere days before he was coming home, he suffered from another stroke while going to the bathroom, and was pronounced dead after 15 minutes of attempt of resuscitation. I had been to the movies that day and saw The Grudge 2, and when I got home I couldn't sleep because that girl creeped me out so bad. But I also had a bad feeling, and this was at the time when my grandfather died. When I found out I literally cried nonstop for 8 hours. And as if that was not enough I had to visit my grandmother, and watch the rest of my relatives destroyed and in tears. And one of my cousins was there and had to witness this, only 8 years old, she looked at our grandfather, paralyzed in the kitchen, not knowing what was wrong.
This is one of many reasons why I think that it would feel good not to have any emotions and not having to feel.
But hey, now you have your explanation to why people mourn celebrities, why they don't. And a little personal experience on my behalf, from me to you. Now it's up to you to process and take in that information, if you are willing to.
If you haven't noticed it yet, yes, I'm a cynic. The human race is messed up, and it makes me truly afraid of what humans are capable of. Animal cruelty, mothers abusing their own children until the brink of death, doing things in the name of their religion, et cetera et cetera. There are so many horrible things that occur, but why did I only name three out of so many? That would be because I have zero tolerance when it comes to the first two, animal cruelty and child abuse. Children and animals are the purest and most innocent things in this world, and to defile, abuse and kill a child or animal is...well, as you can see, there are not even words to express the "fucked-up-ness" about it. I find myself sometimes watching people, wondering what their story is, and then I think that it's best not to go there. The human race has made me fucking paranoid, I am truly afraid of humans, and I would honestly prefer to lock myself up and not have to face anyone ever, but that sure as hell wouldn't be the least bit healthy.

And the issue with me is that I'm also an asshole. I know. It might not come off as it, but that's 'cause you haven't witnessed me when something triggers my "asshole-gene". And when I mean asshole, I'm not talking about a total bitch-mode. The best way to explain my "asshole-gene" is that, the majority of the people have it where I'm from originally. We are raised in a certain way, the way we talk to others from our country can smudge others. We are blunt, we are crude. For example, I've had to hear countless of times "Eat shit" et cetera during my upbringing, which eventually dug itself deep into my personality and has made me not tolerate the slightest attitude from someone. Which is actually hilarious, considering I give a whole lot of attitude to others. But why? Because it is who I am, bluntness and attitude from family rubbed itself on me and now I'm no better than the rest that are rude. People from Balkan are shaped to annoy people, you might like us at first, but eventually we will get on your nerves, we will make you get annoyed at us. Call us this and that, tell us to calm down. Well, good luck with that.
Fuck, even I can't stand what I read written about others and how it is with their families. It's shockingly true all of it, and here's the oh so delicious sweet part, it annoys me, it annoys me how true it actually is. It makes me grit my teeth. Is this fucking normal? The fuck it ain't. But I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, your mother, your father aren't perfect. And not normal either. "Perfect" and "normal" does not exist if you ask me. I'm a cynical person, remember?
Even though there are so many wonderful people in the world, that do AMAZING things to one another, I still have extremely little faith in humanity.

Also, women are actually worse than men, personality and behavior-wise, we really are. Don't deny it, don't try and fool yourself. Hell, I'm as fucked up as any other woman out there. I dare you to try and find one woman that does not throw a hissy fit over nothing, isn't manipulative, isn't a cock tease (intentionally or unintentionally), isn't this and that, be it anything. And then find men that fit into the charesteristics. But of course, that won't happen, 'cause women are wired in this way, men aren't.

This is just something I think about, sometimes I just have to write down the action that takes place in my head. I have a blog for this, and now I'm putting the blog up for it.
But I also prefer to distance myself, well, not really distance. More like...crack jokes about things. Why? Because if you don't make jokes occasionally about things, or at your own expense, then life will be harder to deal with. Laughter is needed in a world like this, but like I wrote earlier. No emotions for a while would be great.
Fo shizzle, now that's whassup and booyah! Now smooch me, I'm smart. I swear, dawg.

tisdag 17 juli 2012

Money money money!

So, I just got a call from my ex-boyfriend's sister, and she told me over the phone that I'm gonna have this internship tomorrow and up until friday. And Saturday and Sunday are going to be regular workdays.
Gonna have to be there at 04:00AM tonight, which means that in about 6 hours I have to leave home and head for the internship.

It's times like these I'm thankful that I take naps occasionally. And since I slept about 3 hours today, and I'm used to going to bed at 02:00-04:00AM I'm hopefully going to be relatively alive and not feel like a complete zombie.

However, I hope that I'll manage fine during the weekend cause then I'm on my own!

Oh, and about the ex-boyfriend matter. We broke up about a month ago, no I'm not sad, I'm fine actually.
So I'll be moving back home to my hometown in Sweden in early November, if I manage to get an apartment until then. If not, well, I'm a bit screwed, kind of, sort of, lol.

Anyway, I'm glad that I have sort of a job, whenever they'd need someone they'll call me. And with more money it means that I can buy a birman cat, and start saving money for next years Comic-Con in San Diego!
I'd probably need about 40 000-50 000 kr (that's about $6000-$8000), and that's to pay for airline ticket back/forth, hotel, Comic-Con badge for all the days. I'd want to visit L.A first and then take a bus or something to San Diego. So I have about a year to make this happen. Wish me good luck!

This is my way of reasoning for the next coming days, haha. I'm gonna be completely beat..

Michael Jackson - Ghost (short movie)

It's about 02:45AM and I just finished watching this short movie, and I thought I should share it with the rest of the Michael Jackson fans out there. 

måndag 16 juli 2012


It came to me yesterday that I probably haven't updated my blog in a while, and damn straight I was right!
Guess I've been sort of busy, well, not really. If you can call reading a buttload of books, watching tons of films and playing games or playing with the cat as busy, then yeah, I've been busy. I won't promise I'll start posting like a mad man, but I will try. I'll try not to forget. :)

lördag 5 maj 2012


Watched Inception a couple of hours ago, and when the movie was over I started to look up some funny Inception pictures and stumbled upon this one. I've looked at it so many times now and it makes me laugh my butt off every time!


You just know you're tired when talking about waffles, oreos and blackberry syrup gets you a bit excited and gives the giggles.

fredag 4 maj 2012


I could lie and claim that I've been far too busy to type anything here. But truth be told whenever I decided to sit down and scribble something down I came up blank. But whenever I'm at school or out somewhere, that's when the thoughts hit me, and then I lose them when I get back to sit by the laptop.

Mostly it's just thoughts I have, nothing specific, just things that pop into my mind from time to time that I find worth "asking" others what they think of the matter. And when I start to think, I express myself, and it bugs me that you have to be extremely careful with what you type. Cause "God forbid" you might offend someone. But I don't adapt my opinions to what people will think. Be pissed, be offended, but they are my opinions and I won't sugarcoat it just to keep it on the fine line between good or bad. If I find something good and you don't and the other way around, well tough luck.

I find it lovely that I haven't updated my blog for a month and when I do update it, it's sort of a bitter post. Truthfully I'm feeling bitter today, my mood has been strange the entire day so I guess it's that. Or I'm eating far too much chocolate these past few days and it's affecting my mood.

Here is a picture to put a smile on your face, whether you need one or not (the picture makes me smirk every time).

söndag 1 april 2012

April Fools' Day.

When I woke up and parked my butt in front of my laptop I was greeted by this on my Facebook Home page.

I use Adblock so that I don't have to see ads on websites, instead I get to see loads of pictures of cats for the next couple of days. Oh you!

lördag 31 mars 2012

Hahah, word!


Ugh, haven't updated my blog in such a long time, and to be honest, I'm too lazy to look up when I updated it the last time, heheh..

Been busy with some other things and this thursday I came down with a case of the stomach flu. At least that is what I think I did. Ended up throwing up twice. Come to think of it, throwing up is pretty sick and gnarly. You rarely puke "slow" and "rich", if you know what I mean, it all just gushes right out of you. And it also likes to go through the nostril highway. Had to sense the smell of my vomit for an hour or so. Yeah yeah, I know, "gross", but I like to express what is on my mind without having to sugarcoat it.
Threw up once yesterday but had bad stomach ache, so I took a 4 ½ hour long nap during the day and when I woke up the ache was gone. Hoewever, I couldn't go to sleep later at night so I ended up watching the new episodes of The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle. Feeling rather good today, except for feeling a bit nauseous earlier. Either I ate too much french toast or smeared too much chocolate cream on them. Worth it and effin' delicious!

Also, here is a picture of my retarded cat. Which reminds me of a dream I had last night. I had to give her 12 capsules daily which would turn her into a normal and smart cat. In other words, the exact opposite of what she is now. : )

torsdag 8 mars 2012

Broken Kingdom

Daniel Gillies, you may know him as John Jameson from Spiderman 2, Jon from True Blood. But mostly you probably know him as Elijah Mikaelsen in the smashing hit tv-show that is The Vampire Diaires.

Daniel Gillies, has along with his wife, Rachael Leigh Cook, and others, made a film. Unfortunately it has come to a stall because there isn't enough money to finish the movie. No, this is not about donating money, this is about watching this video, and spreading it around the world in hopes to get this movie finished!

I would absolutely love to watch this entire movie, the mere minutes of the "trailer" captivated me and I was really intrigued by it. It would be a beautiful movie!
But for people to be able to watch this movie it has to be known, and Daniel Gillies and the cast need help to spread it around. So, read the text what the movie is about, then click on "Play Video Presentation" to the right and watch Daniel and the rest talk about the plot of the movie and also the making of it. I hope you enjoy it!

Here kitty kitty kitty.

Like most of my friends know, I now have a cat!
I remember when I was somewhere around 10-12 years old and I suddenly wanted a turtle! Or a dog, but mostly a turtle. So I asked my stepmother at the time if I could get a dog, she said yes/maybe, but my father said flat out NO. I asked him why, but he just kept on saying no.

I've been together with my boyfriend a little over 2 years now, and a couple of months ago I got the cat. Let me tell you how that all went.

I was at home and doing something by the computer. After a while I went to go shower and my boyfriend said that he is going to the grocery store and will be right back. But when I got out of the shower he wasn't home yet. I figured he was just taking his time. But after half an hour or so I started getting sleepy. So I took a nap for half an hour and he still wasn't home. I was about to call him and ask why he was taking so long (we were going to watch a movie) but his phone was left at home. So I decided to just go to the store and give it to him and go back, in case someone would call him. I couldn't find him and was really wondering where he was at. So I called his mother and he said that he was with her and that they will be home soon. Her workday had just ended by the way.

Anyway, I go back home and start with the dishes and I'm home for about 5-10 minutes when my boyfriend approaches me and he said "Look.", so I looked but didn't notice at first. It took me about one or two seconds to comprehend that it was a tiny little kitten he was holding in his arms!

He told me that his mother had told him to stop by the store when her day is over to come and see something. And outside the store has this storage room, and the kitten had pushed herself up against the wall and had been there for at least a day! My boyfriends mother told me that she even fed the cat earlier in the day and she ate it all up by herself cause the poor baby was starving.
They were struggling for an hour to get her out cause she kept biting, hissing and moving around in the storage. But finally they got her out and took her home.

When I noticed the cat I stopped doing the dishes and said "Oooh, can I hold him/her?", so I took the cat in my arms and he told me that they think it's a girl. After a few minutes we showed the little kitten to my boyfriends sister and her jaw just dropped!

My boyfriend and his family actually already have a cat and have had her for 10 years, and the cats name is "Pussi". I know, original right? So, the kitten approaches Pussi and starts rubbing against her immediately and probably even considers her of a mother figure. But of course Pussi decides she doesn't like the new cat and starts to distance herself from her.

During the evening we put the kitten in a little blue plush crib for her to sleep in, but the poor thing was still scared and nervous so it took her a while to fall asleep. And after an hour or so she started walking around a bit and exploring the apartment. My boyfriend started patting her and she purred for the first time.
She also developed a habit that evening to hide under the recliner, and immediately started meowing to get her out. So we got her out, just for her to go back. She did this for about 3 or 4 times. But an hour after that we started to watch a movie and the kitten fell asleep between us, and eventually shifted over to sleep behind my head.

We figured that she had to be either 2 or 3 months old when she was rescued. She had gotten separated from her mother and her 2 siblings and was all alone in that storage. A few people tried to get her out but didn't succeed to do so. I still get sad when I think of what could have happened to her if she hadn't gotten rescued. Either someone else would have saved her or she would have starved to death or freeze to death because it was cold outside.

About a month later, a friend of my boyfriends sister had told her that they also had rescued a cat 2 weeks after we had rescued ours! And the friend asked my boyfriends sister if we could watch their cat for about 2 weeks while they go to Thailand, and I said of course. It was either us taking care of her, or having to put the other kitten to sleep, and I couldn't have that. So the same day as my birthday they brought the cat over and she was beautiful! And all of us figured that they had to be sisters cause two kittens born at the same time in a tiny town with max 3K inhabitants was more likely than two litters at the same time.
Their cat is named Nova, and ours is well, plain and simple "Kitty". We figured cause the older cat is called Pussi(cat) we could name our cat Kitty(cat). It felt like a suitable name for her cause no other name we thought of was good enough.

And that is the story of how I got a cat, well, half a cat, she is my boyfriend's cat also.
And the freaky part of it all was that no more than 2 weeks prior to that event, I asked my boyfriend if we could get a cat. He said no, and look how it all turned out!

Below are some pictures of my cat. The first ones are taken the day after she was rescued by my boyfriend and his mother. And the other ones are no more than a month old. And the last one is a picture of Nova. Oh, and Kitty is actually cross-eyed, which makes me laugh hysterically at her sometimes, but I do it out of love for her.

She drives me insane sometimes with the things she does, but I love my little purrito princess. :)

Has to be my favorite picture of her.

Praying cat is praying!

This was taken less than a month ago. She's gotten big in the past 3 ½ months!

And here you have a picture of the expression she does that always makes me laugh so much. She has this expression on her face about 70% of the time.

A photo of Kitty and Nova chilling together on the recliner.

Here is a photo of the ever so gorgeous Nova! She reminds me of Two-Face from Batman.

House of Night books.

Recently I started reading a book series called House of Night.
The book is written by mother and daughter P.C and Kristin Cast.
The book is about this girl, Zoey Redbird, a 16 year old girl that one day when she is in school becomes marked. What that means is that she now has begun her transformation from a "fledgling vampyre" into a full "vampyre". She is required to attend the House of Night school where she is supposed to spend 4 years during her transformation. But not all fledglings turn into vampires, some of them die cause their bodies reject the change, and as it is described in the book it is not a pleasant way to go.

Some of the issues that Zoey and her friends face are not covered in Vampyre Sociology 101 (this is a course they have to take to know what dangers they have to face), but they are issues faced by real-life human teenagers.

I don't want to give away more about the books or else there would be spoilers. And considering I hate it when people spoil books, movies or tv-shows to me I won't do it to others.

Overall, the books are really good and I am on the 4th book so far, and there are 9 of them in total.

Simple-minded people.

There is always two sides of a story. People see something on the internet and automatically believe it is true, instead of doing some more research about the matter.

I do not deny the fact that the Kony 2012 video is great in the way that it has opened so many people's eyes, and made them willing to help. But l the link below says, it is VERY BAD that Invisible Children won't let their financials be independently audited. Stop and think for a moment who you are sending your money to.
Find a different organization that is more legit than Invisible Children and donate money to them instead.

Here is the link of information you all should read that I just mentioned in my text above:

onsdag 7 mars 2012

Completely in english!

I thought I already mentioned it but I guess I forgot.

Even though I live in Sweden and have done so for 18 years of my life (I recently turned 20), I prefer typing in english. So this blog is going to be in english only. Might make a few exceptions sometimes ( but rarely) but the writing will be in english.

Kony 2012 campaign.

Now, here's the deal. I assume most of you have heard of the Kony 2012 campaign right? Well, so have I. This morning to be exact. It was indeed very emotional to watch the video about Joseph Kony, and I got really interested in finding information about what I can do to help. The more I looked around I stumbled upon this.

  • The picture above is a photograph of the founders of the not-for-profit Invisible Children (founders of the Kony 2012 campaign) posing with weapons and men from the Sudan army. The Sudan army and also the Ugandan army have been critized for having their fair share of raping and looting.

  • The KONY 2012 campaign calls for military intervention in Uganda to capture Joseph Kony, and to bring him to justice. But, Kony has not been in Uganda since 2006, so there is no Kony and LRA roaming around in Uganda anymore. In fact, there is a peace process in place with LRA, of course the process is stalling.

  • The money that Invisible Children raises by donations from the public is in millions. However, only 31% of these fundings actually go to their charity program, but the charity has never been audited I have read.  These money you fund Invisible Children with go to such things like funding the Uganda's military and the Sudan People's Liberation Army, and both forces have been critized for rapes and looting, and also associated with using rape as a weapon of war.

After reading and finding out more things about this organisation I have completely changed my mind about buying their Action Kit to help KONY 2012 campaign, and plastering posters all over town.
Invisible Children have been critized as a charity ogranization since 2006 when Joseph Koney fled Uganda and to Kongo instead. So, yes, this organization has been critized from the day it was founded.

Instead of linking the video they made about their KONY 2012 campaign, and changing your profile picture to one of their posters to show your support, then you REALLY should read this article.
The article is from november 2006, the year Kony and LRA was smashed away. 6 years later Invisible Children make a video and try to make people think that this is still going on. So go ahead read the article and educate yourself more on the matter. I know I did, but unfortunately it was AFTER I thought they were doing something good. This is not one dimensional, you have to find out more information before jumping to conclusions and re-considering about donating money to a not-for-profit organization.


Just like the title says..welcome to my newly founded blog!

Since this is the first official post, I guess I will inform you all a little about my blog and how it's going to work.
For a couple of days now, or maybe even weeks (not entirely sure) I've been thinking about starting a blog.
But not the kind of blog that is strictly about makeup, clothing, what you did or did not eat for dinner. It's going to be about anything and everything. Whenever I have a thought about something I'll scribble it down here. Whenever I read something funny, interesting or horrid I will share it on my blog.

I am extremely new to this whole "blog" thing so it might take me a while to settle in so to speak and get a hang of it all. Also, when I get better at maintaining my blog, using HTML et cetera, I will share with you who I am, what kind of a person I am, and other things like that.

I added a photo of a painting I found and really liked. It's made by the artist Mark Ryden, he actually has a lot of interesting and cool paintings.