lördag 5 maj 2012


Watched Inception a couple of hours ago, and when the movie was over I started to look up some funny Inception pictures and stumbled upon this one. I've looked at it so many times now and it makes me laugh my butt off every time!


You just know you're tired when talking about waffles, oreos and blackberry syrup gets you a bit excited and gives the giggles.

fredag 4 maj 2012


I could lie and claim that I've been far too busy to type anything here. But truth be told whenever I decided to sit down and scribble something down I came up blank. But whenever I'm at school or out somewhere, that's when the thoughts hit me, and then I lose them when I get back to sit by the laptop.

Mostly it's just thoughts I have, nothing specific, just things that pop into my mind from time to time that I find worth "asking" others what they think of the matter. And when I start to think, I express myself, and it bugs me that you have to be extremely careful with what you type. Cause "God forbid" you might offend someone. But I don't adapt my opinions to what people will think. Be pissed, be offended, but they are my opinions and I won't sugarcoat it just to keep it on the fine line between good or bad. If I find something good and you don't and the other way around, well tough luck.

I find it lovely that I haven't updated my blog for a month and when I do update it, it's sort of a bitter post. Truthfully I'm feeling bitter today, my mood has been strange the entire day so I guess it's that. Or I'm eating far too much chocolate these past few days and it's affecting my mood.

Here is a picture to put a smile on your face, whether you need one or not (the picture makes me smirk every time).