fredag 4 maj 2012


I could lie and claim that I've been far too busy to type anything here. But truth be told whenever I decided to sit down and scribble something down I came up blank. But whenever I'm at school or out somewhere, that's when the thoughts hit me, and then I lose them when I get back to sit by the laptop.

Mostly it's just thoughts I have, nothing specific, just things that pop into my mind from time to time that I find worth "asking" others what they think of the matter. And when I start to think, I express myself, and it bugs me that you have to be extremely careful with what you type. Cause "God forbid" you might offend someone. But I don't adapt my opinions to what people will think. Be pissed, be offended, but they are my opinions and I won't sugarcoat it just to keep it on the fine line between good or bad. If I find something good and you don't and the other way around, well tough luck.

I find it lovely that I haven't updated my blog for a month and when I do update it, it's sort of a bitter post. Truthfully I'm feeling bitter today, my mood has been strange the entire day so I guess it's that. Or I'm eating far too much chocolate these past few days and it's affecting my mood.

Here is a picture to put a smile on your face, whether you need one or not (the picture makes me smirk every time).

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